Sunday, March 14, 2010

Brett's Quilt

It is finished!!!  Before Christmas I decided that for Brett's birthday I was going to make him a "bow tie" jean quilt.  So I had Grandma Schwieder teach me how to do it and away I went.  I have never made a queen size quilt before nor made a quilt where I didn't just cut out the blocks.  This quilt was more involved than any I had done before and it is finished.  It is such a feeling of accomplishment, and even though it was really time consuming I am so glad I did it.  Unfortunately, Brett has already seen it.  He knew it was a quilt and the day I got it done I was so excited that I left the door open to the room that it was in.  Oops.  I need to do better about keeping secrets, my problem is I just get too excited.  Anyway, I had a lot of help from Grandma Schwieder and a lot of friends came to help tie the quilt as well which made it all the more enjoyable.


  1. That's awesome! And a ton of work...Good for you!

    You little productive prego, you!

  2. Those are fun to make and it is always a great feeling to be able to see what you've accomplished.

  3. Hey Leslie!! We have a blog too! Your little boy is so cute! I also started quilting! I have a boy, Garett, almost 4 years old in July and my little girl Jocelyn born on J.S. birthday almost Christmas. She is just over a year. Time flies, doesn't it? I would like to be a stay at home mom full time, but we want to try to pay off some debt so I am a Realtor down here doing it when I can. I am home alot though, so I really can't complain much. So if you know anyone looking to buy or sell, I would love the referral. We bought a house west of lehi up in eagle mountain area this last summer. Jon works civil engineering at WW Clyde. He really likes the company. I hope you are feeling well! Everyone asks about you on facebook, Michelle, Sarah, Julie, etc. Now I can tell them! We miss Idaho a lot! I see you in my wedding pictures helping me. Thank you for your help so much BTW. Miss you!

  4. You are so awesome! How in the heck did I get so lucky to have YOU as a sister? I love the quilt you made me tons and tons so I know Brett will love his quilt too. There's nothing that says "I love you" better than a quilt....but since I'm not quilty, I'll just tell you, "LOVE YOU!"
